About This Site

The design was inspired by HTML5-Up’s Read-Only. Several attempts have been made to make it into a Jekyll theme, but none of them worked the way I wanted them to, so I started with minima, the default theme, and used that as a base. The theme derived from this site will almost certainly be called “Read-Mostly”, when it’s finished.

This site started out as a prototype for what eventually turned into computer-curmudgeon.com, the website for my (incipient) freelance business. It was also intended to replace my “resume” site, stephen.savitzky.net, but that turns out to be better as it is; it’s what I point recruiters and prospective employers at, and makes a decent example of a site with minimal styling that looks a lot like the printed version.

Site built 2024-02-06 06:19:00 +0000 by Jekyll 3.9.3 for GitHub Pages.